I'm working on a 'C' code base that was written specifically for one type of embedded processor. I've written generic 'psuedo object-oriented' code for things like LEDs, GPIO lines and ADCs (using structs, etc). I have also written a large amount of code that utilizes these 'objects' in a hardware/target agnostic manner.
We are now tossing another processor type into the mix, and I'd like to keep the current code structure so I can still make use of the higher level libraries. I do, however, need to provide different implementations for the lower level code (LEDs, GPIO, ADCs).
I know #includes in .C files are generally looked down upon, but in this case, is it appropriate? For example:
// led.c
#include "led_avr.c"
#elseifdef TARGET_PIC
#include "led_pic.c"
#error "Unspecified Target"
If this is inappropriate, what is a better implementation?