Symbolic differentiation was one of the first applications of lisp!
I made a blogpost about a simple symbolic differentiator. It only deals with + and *, but it is easily extended.
It was part of a series I wrote to introduce beginners to clojure at a conference in London, to show how easy it is for clojure to manipulate its own code.
Of course the cute thing is that having done the differentiation, the code can then be compiled! So you can produce differentiated versions of user input, or macros that produce functions and their derivatives, etc.
The original's here, and nicely syntax highlighted:
But I've posted the code here so you can have a look:
;; The simplest possible symbolic differentiator
;; Functions to create and unpack additions like (+ 1 2)
(defn make-add [ a b ] (list '+ a b))
(defn addition? [x] (and (=(count x) 3) (= (first x) '+)))
(defn add1 [x] (second x))
(defn add2 [x] (second (rest x)))
;; Similar for multiplications (* 1 2)
(defn make-mul [ a b ] (list '* a b))
(defn multiplication? [x] (and (=(count x) 3) (= (first x) '*)))
(defn mul1 [x] (second x))
(defn mul2 [x] (second (rest x)))
;; Differentiation.
(defn deriv [exp var]
(cond (number? exp) 0 ;; d/dx c -> 0
(symbol? exp) (if (= exp var) 1 0) ;; d/dx x -> 1, d/dx y -> 0
(addition? exp) (make-add (deriv (add1 exp) var) (deriv (add2 exp) var)) ;; d/dx a+b -> d/dx a + d/dx b
(multiplication? exp) (make-add (make-mul (deriv (mul1 exp) var) (mul2 exp)) ;; d/dx a*b -> d/dx a * b + a * d/dx b
(make-mul (mul1 exp) (deriv (mul2 exp) var)))
:else :error))
;;an example of use: create the function x -> x^3 + 2x^2 + 1 and its derivative
(def poly '(+ (+ (* x (* x x)) (* 2 (* x x))) 1))
(defn poly->fnform [poly] (list 'fn '[x] poly))
(def polyfn (eval (poly->fnform poly)))
(def dpolyfn (eval (poly->fnform (deriv poly 'x))))
(use 'clojure.test)
(deftest deriv-test
(testing "binary operators"
(is (= (let [m '(* a b)] [(multiplication? m) (make-mul (mul1 m) (mul2 m))]) [true '(* a b)]))
(is (= (let [m '(* a b)] [(addition? m) (make-add (add1 m) (add2 m))]) [false '(+ a b)])))
(testing "derivative function"
(is (= (deriv '0 'x) '0))
(is (= (deriv '1 'x) '0))
(is (= (deriv 'x 'x) '1))
(is (= (deriv 'y 'x) '0))
(is (= (deriv '(+ x x) 'x) '(+ 1 1)))
(is (= (deriv '(* x x) 'x) '(+ (* 1 x) (* x 1))))
(is (= (deriv '(* x x) 'y) '(+ (* 0 x) (* x 0))))
(is (= (deriv '(* x (* x x)) 'x) '(+ (* 1 (* x x)) (* x (+ (* 1 x) (* x 1)))))))
(testing "function creation: d/dx (x^3 + 2x^2 + 1) = 3x^2 + 4x "
(let [poly '(+ (+ (* x (* x x)) (* 2 (* x x))) 1)]
(is (= ((eval (poly->fnform poly)) 3) 46))
(is (= ((eval (poly->fnform (deriv poly 'x))) 3))))))