



Possible Duplicate:
What is the best MySQL Client Application for Windows

i am used to using tools like SQL Enterprise Mgr for SQL Server databases and Toad for Oracle. I now (for a few reasons) need to start working with MySQL. What is the best desktop front end for MySql databases?

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You can pick one here:

Actually, my choice would be Navicat, and phpMyAdmin. Only, there's a need to install apache, and php if you want to use phpMyAdmin. As for Navicat, it isn't free.

As noted in the comments on that article, it's missing sqlyog which I think is one of the best.
le dorfier

Personally, I recommend MySQL Workbench (previously known as DBDesigner) as it's powerful, free, and available for multiple platform.


There are quite a few, and they differ on the configurations they support. In general, I like Toad (portable across platfroms and dbms brands) and SQLYog (lots of features and comm options).

le dorfier

It depends on what OS and programming language you are using (whether you want to design DB ). I like MySQL Workbench, but it needs some gnome libraries that I can't make working in my KDE environment on linux, no package for my distro.

But 2 years ago I started using Oracle SQL developer + datamodeler & viewer, and it works absolutely great. No complains. I was also using DbVisualizer for some additional ER diagrams modelling, cause there are some additional functions I was missing in the oracle soft. There is a little disadvantage as to SQL developer : I couldn't figure out how to manually modify particular fields in data display tables. I bet there is a way but maybe it could be via some additional commercial plugins from oracle.

If you are programming applications, in Java for instance, or modelling databases, I would definitely go with MySQL Workbench or Oracle SQL developer. If you just need a database for some tables to store data into, I'd go with phpMyAdmin which I was using for almost 3 years some time ago, and there is really everything essential and reliable, but no ER modelling like support.


I prefer using MSQL GUI tool available from their official website. SQLyog is also good.
