I'm trying to do something that should be pretty simple - but it's doing my head in. I can't seem to get a variable to return from a function
var where;
if (navigator.geolocation) {
where = navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) {
// okay we have a placement - BUT only show it if the accuracy is lower than 500 mtrs
//if (position.coords.accuracy <= 500 ) {
// put their lat lng into google
var meLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
var image = "images/map_blue.png";
var myMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: meLatLng,
map: map,
title: "Your location, as provided by your browser",
icon: image,
zIndex: 50
//} // end 500 mtrs test
return meLatLng;
alert("A: "+where);
I have a global variable called where, I'm trying to fill it with LatLng information received from the browser using navigator.geolocation - it plots the user on the map - but alert(where) always returns undefined
What am I doing wrong?