




We have the following code marshalling between c# and c dll. However, when print the value within the C dll function, the values associated with the double array properties are all 0.0000000. I have put some in line comments for the code having problems.

Did we miss any thing to configure the marshalling behaviour?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ConsoleApplication
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MonteCarlo montecarlo = new MonteCarlo();
    class MonteCarlo

        public static extern int MonteCarloPrint([In, Out]PurchaseOrder[] purchaseorders, int length);

        public void RunMonteCarlo()

            PurchaseOrder[] purchaseorders = new PurchaseOrder[3];

            purchaseorders[0] = new PurchaseOrder();
            purchaseorders[0].Value1 = "AAAAA";
            purchaseorders[0].Value2 = 0.111;
            purchaseorders[0].Value3 = new double[2]; // Assign the values to array of double
            purchaseorders[0].Value3[0] = 0.11111;
            purchaseorders[0].Value3[1] = 0.22222;

            purchaseorders[1] = new PurchaseOrder();
            purchaseorders[1].Value1 = "BBB";
            purchaseorders[1].Value2 = 0.222;
            purchaseorders[1].Value3 = new double[2];
            purchaseorders[1].Value3[0] = 0.33333;
            purchaseorders[1].Value3[1] = 0.44444;

            purchaseorders[2] = new PurchaseOrder();
            purchaseorders[2].Value1 = "CCC";
            purchaseorders[2].Value2 = 0.333;
            purchaseorders[2].Value3 = new double[2];
            purchaseorders[2].Value3[0] = 0.55555;
            purchaseorders[2].Value3[1] = 0.66666;

            int result = MonteCarloPrint(purchaseorders, purchaseorders.Length);


        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
        public unsafe struct PurchaseOrder
            public string Value1;

            public double Value2;

            public double[] Value3; // Array of double member

// C Code

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct PurchaseOrder 
   char* Value1; 
   double Value2; 
   double* Value3;

__declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall MonteCarloPrint(PurchaseOrder *hostPurchaseOrders, int length)
    printf("\nSize of PurchaseOrder: %d",sizeof(PurchaseOrder));

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) 
        printf("\n\nAddress: %u",hostPurchaseOrders+i);         
        printf("\nValue1: %s",(hostPurchaseOrders+i)->Value1);
        printf("\nValue2: %f",(hostPurchaseOrders+i)->Value2);
        printf("\nValue3[0]: %f",(hostPurchaseOrders+i)->Value3[0]);
        printf("\nValue3[1]: %f",(hostPurchaseOrders+i)->Value3[1]);


The print result from the C dll function

Size of PurchaseOrder: 24

Address: 13180880
Value1: AAAAA
Value2: 0.111000
Value3[0]: 0.000000 // No value are marshalled 
Value3[1]: 0.000000

Address: 13180904
Value1: BBB
Value2: 0.222000
Value3[0]: 0.000000
Value3[1]: 0.000000

Address: 13180928
Value1: CCC
Value2: 0.333000
Value3[0]: 0.000000
Value3[1]: 0.000000
+1  A: 

Remove the Pack property from the [DllImport] declaration, it is wrong. You are not using a #pragma pack directive in your C code, the default value for Pack is appropriate. If it would have been in effect then your C code would have reported 16.

You are seeing 24 because there's 4 bytes of padding to align the double and 4 bytes of padding at the end of the structure to make the double align when the structure is used in an array. 4 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 24. The packing in effect is 8, the default.

You can make it more efficient by swapping Value2 and Value3 to get a struct of 16 bytes, no padding necessary. In case it matters. That's what the JIT compiler does.

The next problem is tougher, the P/Invoke marshaller will marshal the embedded array as a SAFEARRAY. You can solve that on the unmanaged side by using this code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <objidl.h>

struct PurchaseOrder 
    char* Value1; 
    double Value2; 
    int fence;

extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall MonteCarloPrint(PurchaseOrder *hostPurchaseOrders, int length)
    printf("\nSize of PurchaseOrder: %d",sizeof(PurchaseOrder));

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) 
        printf("\n\nAddress: %u",hostPurchaseOrders+i);         
        printf("\nValue1: %s",(hostPurchaseOrders+i)->Value1);
        printf("\nValue2: %f",(hostPurchaseOrders+i)->Value2);
        double* arrayPtr;
        if (S_OK == SafeArrayAccessData((hostPurchaseOrders+i)->Value3, (void**)&arrayPtr)) {
            printf("\nValue3[0]: %f", arrayPtr[0]);
            printf("\nValue3[1]: %f", arrayPtr[1]);
    return 0;

I wrote the code using the C++ compiler, you may have to tweak.

Hans Passant
Hi Hans, i removed the pack=1 from [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] but the problem still exists. The vlaue3 are populated by 0.00000 and size of purchaseorder is 24.
@Stratford - post updated.
Hans Passant

Hi Hans,

Thanks for your reply. I will try the SAFEARRAY approch suggested.

Would it be possible to explain more in details about the extra bytes paddings? and why swap value2 and value3 three can reduce the size?

