I'm getting images from directories dynamically for some slideshows in a WordPress site I'm building. Sometimes they show up on pages, sometimes they don't.
Looking at this I'm sure I need some sort of preloader to initialize my images into the DOM before the cycle plugin does what it does, but I just don't know where to shoehorn the pertinent code. My code is as follows:
function show_gallery($path){
if($path == ""){
// Fix the path to be usable
$path = "wp-content/themes/mytheme" . "$path";
// Ignore files/paths that aren't usable
$img_list = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..', '.DS_Store'));
$imgcount = count($img_list);
if($imgcount > 1){
echo "<div id=\"overlay-prev\"><img src='/wp-content/themes/grisedale/assets/gallery/prev.png' class='prev'></div>";
echo "<div id=\"overlay-next\"><img src='/wp-content/themes/grisedale/assets/gallery/next.png' class='next'></div>";
} else {
echo "";
echo "<div id=\"current-image\">";
// Spit out the images to be controlled by cycle
foreach ($img_list as $img){
echo "<img class='gallery-images' src='../../../$path$img'>\n";
echo "</div>";
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
fx: 'fade',
speed: 'fast',
timeout: 0,
prev: '#overlay-prev',
next: '#overlay-next',
containerResize: true
Honestly, the images are all small and if there were some kind of sanity test I could do with PHP that would probably suffice. In any case, I just needs the images to load predictably into any page that has a gallery without having to do three or four reloads to see them. Cheers.