I'm doing some research in code generation from xsd schema files. My requirements:
- Must generate C# 2.0 code, using generic collections where needed.
- Must generate comments from the xsd comments
- Must generate fully serializable code.
- Should be able to generate resuable basetypes when generating from multiple xsd's with the same includes.
(see also my other questions: How can I generate multiple classes from xsd’s with common includes? and How can I generate comments from xs:documentation tags in a wsdl?
I have found the following options:
- Use xsd.exe (supplied with the SDK and Visual Studio)
- XSDCodeGen from Daniel Cazzulino
- Xsd2Code
- CodeXS
- XsdObjectGen by Microsoft
- XSDClassGen (Seems to be missing in action)
Did I miss any? Because (1), (2) and (5) do not generate 2.0 code, and I have problems with serializing code from (3). What do you use when generating code?