



Currently I'm writing a little webserver and I create a new Thread for every request the server gets. Basically it's like this:

public class MyController
    public void ProcessRequest(object contextObject)
      HttpListenerContext context = (HttpListenerContext)contextObject;

      // handle request
      if (someCondition())
        context.Response.StatusCode = 400;
        context.Response.StatusDescription = "Missing something";
        context.Response.StatusCode = 200;
        context.Response.StatusDescription = "Everything OK";

    public void AcceptRequest()
      while (true)
        HttpListenerContext context = HttpListener.GetContext();
        Thread thread = new Thread(this.ProcessRequest);

I tried to keep my example simple. Obviously in my application it's a bit more complicated. Now I try to encapsulate what here happens in the if-else-directive. I thought about a method like:

public void EncapsulateMe(int code, string description)
  context.Response.StatusCode = code;
  context.Response.StatusDescription = description;

The problem is that I need to transfer the context object too, but I'm not sure how to do it thread-safe and what would be the best way. I thought about creating a new class that derives from Thread and implements the ProcessRequest-method and the new EncapsulateMe-method. Would that be to complicated for what I'm trying to accomplish?

Thanks for every hints, leads, answers or pointer in the right direction :)

Edit: I just found out that it's not possible to write a class in c# that derives from Thread because this class is sealed... is there any way to create your own Threads in c#? I just knew this from Java, so I'm a bit confused that it's not possible in c#...


My point is not related to the question asked but in general

r u creating this web server for your own learning purpose or for production?

if you are doing this for production , i fear that this would not be a success because.

in the function

public void AcceptRequest() 
  while (true) 
    HttpListenerContext context = HttpListener.GetContext(); 
    Thread thread = new Thread(this.ProcessRequest); 

you are creating new threads for every incoming request , though i am not aware of no of user request this web server is going to handle still it is going to crash after some time because lot of new threads is being spawned which is not a good practice.May be other server components would not be able to run.

any thing can be happened if it is a production ready!!

I understand what you mean, but what would you suggest to do then?
Philipp Maretzky

I tried to compose a new class ProcessRequestThread with a Thread:

public class ProcessRequestThread
  private Thread ProcessThread;
  private HttpListenerContext Context;

  public ProcessRequestThread()
    ProcessThread = new Thread( ProcessRequest );

  private void ProcessRequest(object contextObject)
    Context = (HttpListenerContext)contextObject;

    // handle request
    if (someCondition())
      EncapsulateMe(400, "Missing something");
      EncapsulateMe(200, "Everything OK");

  private void EncapsulateMe(int code, string description)
    Context.Response.StatusCode = code;
    Context.Response.StatusDescription = description;

But I'm not really satisfied with this solution... it seems somehow to much to me. Anyone got a smaller/better idea?

Philipp Maretzky