



I'm using the following registry search in WiX

      <RegistrySearch Id="VISUALSTUDIODIRCMD" Type="raw" Root="HKLM" 
      Key="Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0" Name="InstallDir" Win64="yes" />

Unfortunately, the path resolves to C:\ instead of the required path. Can someone help me understand why? (The registry path exists - I checked.)

+1  A: 

What happens if you remove the Win64 attribute? I have been using the following without any problems:

<Property Id="VSINSTALLDIR" Secure="yes">
  <RegistrySearch Id="VSInstallRegistry" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0" Name="InstallDir"  Type="directory" />
Thanks, that seems to be working - I suspect it's due to the `Secure` flag because I tried it without `Win64` and it still didn't work.
Dmitri Nesteruk
`Secure` is needed there for custom actions to work, as far as I remember. Are you using the value in a custom action?

I'm not sure why the registry search doesn't work in your case. But have you tried referencing the standard VS properties provided by WiX instead?

Starting from WiX v3.5 VSExtension offers a number of properties containing various info about VS 2010. For instance, VS2010_ROOT_FOLDER contains full path to the Visual Studio 2010 root installation directory.

Yan Sklyarenko