



I am developing mobile application in C#. I am using SQLite as a database. I am using the following code

            SQLiteDataReader SQLiteDrKeyObj = null;
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            DataManager DataMgrObj = new DataManager();
            QueryDetails QueryDetailsObj = new QueryDetails();
            //int KeyID = Cust_ID;
            //string Client_Key1 = Client_Key;
            int KeyID = Selected_Customer_ID;
            string Client_Key = Selected_Client_Key;
            SQLiteDrKeyObj = DataMgrObj.getRegistrationKey(KeyID, Client_Key);

            RegKeyInfodataGrid.DataSource = dt;

In the above code RegKeyInfodataGrid is the name of the DataGrid control. I want to resize both the DataTable & DataGrid so that all the data from the database will be displayed properly. How to do this ? Can you please provide me any code or link through which I can resolve the above issue ?