



I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008. While generating custom reports, I need to provide specific parameters based on the logged in user. That's why my app requires a table for users with their ids, so that I can join whatever else I want with them. The problem starts when I inspect the results of querying Master..SysUsers. My NT user is not listed, however in the SysLogins table, my NT user account is listed there.

+1  A: 

Microsoft said something here

They suggested that we rather use sys.database_principals, sys.sql_logins than SysUser, SysLogins.

Thanks for the prompt reply but it seemed the result set is the same. There is only one Windows User (which seems to be a reporting service/server) appearing in the query instead of all the supposedly authorized users.
Does the account you using for data access (from program) have full privilege? Seem no problem as this article wrote : In that, they use `master.sys.server_principals`. Good luck!

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