Hi People, how can I connect the table project_user with the table project_terms in the best way?
- One Project has different Categorys like 1,2,3,4
- The Categorys are stored in the categorys_table
- But one User maybe are assigned only for the Categorys 1,2 and not 3,4
- Should I connect the project_table with the categorys_table too?
how can I solve that in my Database Design?
id name
1 Tom
// But User Tom only assigned for the Project_id 1
// and the cat_id 2 in the project_terms table
project_id (fk) | cat_id (fk)
1 | 2
1 | 3
cat_id | catname
2 | Lemon
3 | Apple
project_id | name
1 | FruitsProject