I'm using this query to find some queries that have been running for a long time:
SELECT sqltext.TEXT,
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext
order by req.total_elapsed_time des
Currently, we have some xp_cmdshell things that seem to be stuck (we use it to call bcp.exe for bulk exporting in jobs). However, the output of sys.dm_exec_sql_text() only outputs "xp_cmdshell" and not the parameters -- I really would like to see exactly what commands xp_cmdshell is running so I can track down the issues.
Is there any way to do that in SQL server?
EDIT: The active sessions are calling xp_cmdshell from a stored procedure. E.g.:
EXEC usp_xxx -> calls EXEC usp_yyy -> calls xp_cmdshell.
So, the output of DBCC InputBuffer is the call to usp_xxx which is not what I want.