To my disappointment I found out that one of the applications I'm working on renders rather poorly on certain computers. The UI static graphics and text suffer from a severe case of tearing without doing any kind of animations. This makes text unreadable and of course, the graphics look poor.
I've noticed this problem on different computers but the one that really made me think was a newer Toshiba laptop with a Radeon Mobility video card: when this laptop runs on battery, there is no tearing - but when it runs plugged-in everything is a mess. So this looks like a problem with power line noise which apparently affects the video card - I'm guessing hardware accelerated graphics. However, non-WPF graphics render fine so how do you tell users: "It's not my app, it's your power supply!" ?!
Have you ever run into this? And is there anyway to fix it?
The app is .NET 4.0, and the laptop was running Windows 7.