




I have been intensively looking for an answer for a week. There are a lot of examples out there, how to save results, when having fixed number of lists.

My task is:

I have one 'ul' list, full of items (with id from 1 upwards) queried from MySQL.

And I have several other EMPTY 'ul' lists (with id from 1 upwards) also queried from MySQL.

The task is to distribute items from first list to other lists and save the result in db.

The final outcome should be:

item1 => list2

item2 => list1

item3 => list3

item4 => list3

item5 => list4

item6 => list1 etc.

NOTE: the order of items in the list doesnt matter at all.

current php code goes smth like this:


echo '<ul id="list0" class="connectedSortable sortable">';
echo '    <li class="ui-state-default" id="entry_'.$team_unique.'">'.$club->club_shortname.' '.$count.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';

$divisions = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."billiards_divisions ORDER BY div_order ASC");

foreach ($divisions as $division) {

    $div_id = $division->div_id;

    echo '<ul id="list'.$div_id.'" class="connectedSortable sortable" style="height: 260px; width: 170px;">';

        echo '<p>'.$division->div_name.'</p>';
    echo '</ul>';



    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $(".sortable#0, .sortable#<?php $div_id ?>").sortable({
            connectWith: '.connectedSortable',


with this i can sort items visually, but i have now idea how to save them. Also if using Ajax, would be nice to see a message: "Item1 has been moved to the list3 and saved"

Any hint would be very appreciated.