



Hi guys im having a spot of bother, hope someone can shed some light on this.

For some strange reason my route comes up saying action does not exist unless i change the camel casing to all lower case for that actions name then it works fine. but then that goes against the naming conventions! and i dont want to make my code sloppy either.

Heres my route:

$FrontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
$Router = $FrontController->getRouter();
    new Zend_Controller_Router_Route
        "action"    =>"saveArtist"

Now to me this should look in the ArtistController for the action saveArtistsAction, but it doesn't it throws up this error:

Whoops you encountered the below error. Action "saveartist" does not exist and was not trapped in __call()

So it appears to have removed my camel casing in the router as the a for Artist is now lower case in the error and if i rename my action to match that, it works!

Any idea's why it is not looking for saveArtist?

I realise I could just rename it to save as it is part of the artist object but now I have found this I would like to understand before coming unstuck some other time in the future.

Thanks in advance to any help :)

No soon as I sent this I figured it out, but I feel others may fall for the same mistake so best to leave this here and tell the solution!

In the router it is still in URL formatting I was meant to use hyphens not camel casing then the framework works it out. so here is my correction/solution:

    new Zend_Controller_Router_Route
        "action"    =>"save-artist"

Happy coding :)


The naming conventions specify that your actions should be named all lowercase up to the word "Action".

So the correct way to name actions is:


