



little background: currently putting together a website that is selling products, many of which come in various sizes, with respectively different prices. I have the database set up to handle all of this, and I know well enough how to write the PHP code to query said database to get any product in a specific size (with all it's related info). When the user loads up any given product's page, it will show the product with default information.

However, my issue is thus - how can I go about dynamically changing the size-specific info on the product's page, based on the user selecting a different (ie. not the default) size in a dropdown list?

I've tried looking this up via Google, as well as on here, but all I seem to be able to find is people asking the same question over and over as to how to populate a dropdown list dynamically, which isn't my issue D: perhaps my search-fu is weak...

p.s. I realize i could probably just load ALL of the information, in separate hidden Divs, and use javascript to bind an onChange event of some sort to the Select option, to show a specific Div. I'm just curious if there's a way to do this more dynamically, so I'm not loading ALL the data from the database up front. Hope this clarifies my issue.


you want the onchange event of the dropdown.

jquery example:

$('#your-dropdown').live('onchange', function(){
    // fetch different information based on whatever they selected and change it

vanilla javascript example:

document.getElementById('your-dropdown').onchange = function(){
     // fetch different information based on whatever they selected and change it


It seems you're looking for some ajax? try jquery's $.get or $.post

thank you, contagious - there's already a lightbox jquery plugin integrated into the site, so I think i'll go the jquery route. I'm assuming using either $.get or $.post, the page they'd be loading is where I'd have to store the specific database query calls?
that's correct. `$.get('your-query-page.php', function(){});`