I have MainWindow with a statusbar and multiple user controls in it. Each user control has a viewmodel. How do I bind/update the statusbar text from multiple viewmodels?
If you are using PRISM then you can use its EventAggregator to Publish (from your user controls) messages and in StatusBar VM Subscribe to those messages.
2010-10-06 05:48:44
This is a simple one that I have used myself.
Implement a Messenger system and give it a Singleton instance, say... StatusBarMessenger
MainWindow View-Model:
- Needs a string property, eg. Status.
- Needs to register to the StatusBarMessenger in the Ctor
StatusBarMessenger.Instance.Register(this, new Action(s => Status = s));
All VM that requires to send text to the status bar may do the following:
StatusBarMessenger.Instance.Send("Hello world");
Tri Q
2010-10-06 05:49:24
Great answers thanks!
2010-10-07 02:12:53