



Hi All

One of the websites I work on has a few jCarousel sliders each inside their own accordion boxes. ( Click the coloured bar to open a section to see the horizontal carousel )

Problem: When you resize the browser window smaller, then larger again, something happens to the css. The videos are now pushed up against each other in a vertical style.

Is there anything css wise i can do to make sure the look of the horizontal pane are kept even if the browser window is resized.

Site Spec: - jCarousel - Wordpress 3



it appears it's the <ul class="jcarousel-list jcarousel-list-horizontal"> width which change to 240px while it must keep > 3000px. You can fix it using .jcarousel-list.jcarousel-list-horizontal { width:3000px !important;} but it's not very clean...

I think it's more a problem with JCarousel.

Hey MatTheCat, thanks for the info. That css fix worked with some of the panels only. We have some panels that start off on 4000px. Setting that to a width of 3000px messes up that styling. Im looking at a way of setting the ul panel to a set size and keep it at the var that first loads on the page