Hi, I have string like this:"0:385" (first number is seconds, next numbers are milliseconds), I want to use in datagridview with sorting like numbers (not like strings) so I am trying to make DateTime from string but I am not sure how exactly do this. I know I should use method Parse (or ParseExact) but when I tried it it says "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.". I read some articles about that but I am not sure how exactly use IFormatProvider and next arguments. Thanks for help
Since you are missing day, month and year from your string, you will not be able to parse it to a DateTime.
Try using a TimeSpan
2010-10-06 09:06:14
I tried TimeSpan before but when I use method Parse it says: "The TimeSpan could not be parsed because at least one of the hours, minutes, or seconds components is outside its valid range."
2010-10-06 09:17:41
You could use the following: TimeSpan.Parse("0:0:0.365")
But you must format the string like this: [d.]hh:mm:ss[.ff] (The day [d] and fractional seconds [ff] are optional)
2010-10-06 09:15:11