Dim prestaDB
prestaDB = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=mysql50-64.wc1;PORT=3306;DATABASE=example_db;USER=example_user;PASSWORD=example_password;OPTION=3;"
set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open prestaDB
conn.execute("update ps_product set quantity = " & sSeg(4) & " where reference = '%" & sSeg(0) &"%'")
The rest of the code sets:
sSeg(4) = 5
sSeg(0) = "N540"
N540 is a valid reference in my db
When this is executed, it gives no errors yet the quantity does not update to be 5.
The server is running MySQL 5
Any ideas what is going wrong?