




I'm trying to get a simple saga working so that I can handle messages during the day, then on certain criteria, set a timeout to finish processing certain messages at midnight. I've followed a couple examples to set this up. here and here.

Here is configuration from the EndpointConfig.cs

     Kernel = new StandardKernel(
        new RepositoryModule(),
        new DeliveryModule(),
        new ConfigurationModule(),
        new NHibernateModule()

     AutoMapperConfiguration.Configure( Kernel );

     SetLoggingLibrary.Log4Net( log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure );

        .NinjectBuilder( Kernel )
           .IsTransactional( true )
           .PurgeOnStartup( false )
           .ImpersonateSender( false )

The app.config:

  <!-- Server's input queue -->

  <!-- Client's input queue -->

  <!-- Define endpoint -->
      <add Messages="FD.WorksiteServices" Endpoint="fd_publisherinput" />
      <add Messages="NServiceBus.Saga.TimeoutMessage, NServiceBus" Endpoint="timeoutmanager" />

And I have the supplied timeout manager service running. Every time the service appears to begin to respond to a message, I get the following error:

2010-10-05 16:42:39,392 [Worker.6] ERROR NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus [(null)] <(null)> - SagaMessageHandler Failed handling message.
Ninject.ActivationException: Error activating ISagaPersister
More than one matching bindings are available.
Activation path:
  2) Injection of dependency ISagaPersister into property Persister of type SagaMessageHandler
  1) Request for SagaMessageHandler

  1) Ensure that you have defined a binding for ISagaPersister only once.

I can't seem to find any clue as to where to go from here. I'm not sure Ninject thinks there is more than one registered binding. That said, I'm a Ninject neophyte.

Has anyone else seen this error have some ideas on what to try?



I got this working, but I didn't answer my question. For anyone looking to at this to see Saga's work, I'll share what I did.

  1. Removed the following line from the EndpointConfig.cs


That allowed the process to run, but I then started getting a null reference exception when I called RequestTimeout.

  1. I fixed that by realizing that my Saga was injecting an IBus, which is unneeded as the base Saga already injects one.

This was started this as a message handler then the need for timeouts came into play, hence the prior need for the IBus.

Like I said, not an "answer" but it's (hopefully) something for someone.