



I ve used the following code to send mail from my web application using a gmail account.. Can i change the sender address to another address other than original sender(gmail) address..

 System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();

System.Net.NetworkCredential cred = new 
       System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "*******");

I always receive mail from [email protected]. Is it possible to change it?

I ve changed to mail.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("[email protected]"); but i received the mail with the from address [email protected] and not the new from address. I think gmail smtp overwrites the from address with the original credential...

+2  A: 

Yes just use the From property of the MailMessage


mail.From = "[email protected]";

EDIT: Also, see this post for more detailed info on how to emails via gmail in C#

@w69rdy it doesn't seem to overwrite the from address...
Pandiya Chendur
+1  A: 

Gmail doesn't allow you to change the FROM to something different than your gmail account.

It doesn't matter what you use, they over-write it, before they relay it on. This prevent spamming/spoofing.

dave wanta