




I just wanted to know if somebody knows some jQuery scripts that do some effect like this one:

I mean the scrolling thumbs. as I'm developing a website with pagination and when it comes to style I don't want that multi-line pagination links. I want it to fit the width of its container.

I came across some scripts that do like that: prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 23 next

I don't want this but I want a list that scrolls on hovering each side and that is SEO friendly.

the demo I showed you is what I want but the problem is that the code is not clear since it has many other functions related to the photo gallery.

Please help me get the simplest code for a simple <ul>

Thank You in Advance!


Google "jquery scrollers". You might find this useful:

jQuery Smooth Div Scroll by Thomas Kahn - smooth content scrolling using jQuery

Salman A