




I want to deserialise an xml document with a number of same name nodes into an IList in c# I do not have control over the xml and therefore cant change it.

 <node1 name="" version="" />
 <node1 name="" version="" />
 <node1 name="" version="" />
 <node1 name="" version="" />

I have two classes Root and Node1 which look like:

public class Root
 public IList<Node1> Node1List { get; set; }

 public string Node2 { get; set; }

 public string Node3 { get; set; }

public class Node1

 public string Name{ get; set; }

 public string Version{ get; set; }

Any Ideas how I can deserialise the xml so that all node1 elements are part of Node1List?

+2  A: 

Add XmlElement: (you may need to remove [XmlRoot("node1")])

public List<Node1> Node1List { get; set; }
I did have the [XmlElement] on my property. The problem is that the reflector blows up trying to deserialize to an interface. I.e. the IList. I changed this to a List and it works.