



Update: gutted the question with a simpler example, that isn't answered by the originally accepted answer

Given the following class, and its ancestor:

TComputer = class(TObject)
   constructor Create(Teapot: string='');

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); overload; virtual;
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer; Teapot: string); overload; virtual;

Right now TCellPhone has 3 constructors visible:

  • Cup: Integer
  • Cup: Integer; Teapot: string
  • Teapot: string = ''

What do i do to TCellPhone so that the ancestor constructor (Teapot: string = '') is not visible, leaving only the declared constructors:

  • Cup: Integer
  • Cup: Integer; Teapot: string

Note: Usually the simple act of having a descendant constructor hides the ancestor:

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); virtual;
  • Cup: Integer

And if you wanted to keep both the ancestor constructor and the descendant, you would mark the descendant as an overload:

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); overload; virtual;
  • Cup: Integer
  • Teapot: string = ''

In this question's example code, Delphi is mistaking my overload keywords:

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); overload; virtual;
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer; Teapot: string); overload; virtual;

to think that:

  • i want to overload my constructors with the ancestor,
  • when really i want to overload it with the sibling

How do i hide the ancestor constructor?

Note: It might be impossible to hide the ancestor, non-virtual, constructor using the Delphi language as it is currently defined. "Not possible" is a valid answer.

Attempted Answer (failed)

i tried marking the descendant constructors with reintroduce (falling back to my mode of randomly adding keywords until it works):

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); reintroduce; overload; virtual;
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer; Teapot: string); reintroduce; overload; virtual;

But that didn't work, all three constructors are still visible. :(

Original Question

i have an object that descends from a class that has constructors don't want to see:

TEniac = class(TObject)
   constructor Create(PowerCord: TPowerCord=nil); //calls inherited Create

TComputer = class(TEniac) ...
   constructor Create(PowerCord: TPowerCord=nil); //calls inherited Create(nil)

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(sim: TSimChip; UnlockCode: Integer); //calls inherited Create(nil)

TiPhone = class(TCellPhone)
   constructor Create(sim: TSimChip); //calls inherited Create(sim, 0)

Note: This is a hypothetical example. As in the real world, the ancestor objects cannot be changed without breaking existing code.

Now when someone's using TiPhone i don't want them even being able to see the constructor from TEniac:

iphone := TiPhone.Create(powerCord);

Worse still: if they call that constructor, they completely miss my constructor, and everything done in between. It's pretty easy to call the wrong constructor, all of them are visible in the IDE code-completion, and will compile:


and they get a completely invalid object.

i could change TCellPhone to throw an exception in those constructors:

TCellPhone.Create(PowerCord: TPowercord)
   raise Exception.Create('Don''t use.');

But developers won't realize they're calling the wrong constructor until the customer finds the error one day and fines us bazillions of dollars. In fact, i'm trying to find everywhere i call the wrong constructor - but i can't figure out how to make Delphi tell me!

+5  A: 

If I remember correctly, then reintroduce should help for virtual methods.

The reintroduce directive suppresses compiler warnings about hiding previously declared virtual methods. Use reintroduce when you want to hide an inherited virtual method with a new one.

To answer your updated question - I think it's not possbile to hide a non-virtual constructor with overloading in a directly derived class, but I tried the following successfully:

TComputer = class(TObject)
  constructor Create(Teapot: string='');

TIndermediateComputer = class(TComputer)
  // hide the constructor
  constructor Create;

TCellPhone = class(TIndermediateComputer)
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); overload; virtual;
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer; Teapot: string); overload; virtual;
Reintroduce may suppress the compiler warnings about hiding an ancestor method, but how does it help in identifying the use of the constructors that shouldn't be used at **compile** time? Instead of just throwing an exception at **run** time, when the customers may sue poor Ian for all he's got?
Marjan Venema
@Marjan Venema In this case `reintroduce` isn't being used for it's documented purpose; there *are* no warnings about hiding ancestor methods (it turns out that you don't see that warning if the ancestor methods are not virtual). In this case i can use `reintroduce` for it's secret ability to hide ancestor methods.
Ian Boyd
@Ian. Oh, dear, brain went to idle it seems. Ok, so no compile time messages, but when re-implementing the constructors you can either throw an exception or call the correct constructor with a default parameter...
Marjan Venema
+1  A: 

You want to reintroduce the constructor:

TiPhone = class(TCellPhone)
    constructor Create(sim: TSimChip); reintroduce;

See TComponent.Create in the Delphi source code for a real-world example of this.

Craig Stuntz

Instead of only raising an "Don't use" exception in the overridden invalid constructors, consider marking them deprecated in the class where they become invalid. That should produce nice compiler warnings when these invalid constructors are used erroneosly.

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(PowerCord: TPowerCord=nil); deprecated;
   constructor Create(sim: TSimChip; UnlockCode: Integer); //calls inherited Create(nil)

In addition, use override or reintroduce as needed.

Marjan Venema
i would **love** to go back in time and add `deprecated` keyword to Delphi **5**. i'll add that to my list, right after telling Copernicus that the planets follow and elliptical orbit.
Ian Boyd
@Ian, sorry, completely missed the Delphi-5 tag...
Marjan Venema
Imagine how much more advanced humanity could be if i could go back in time and give people the right ideas at the right time.
Ian Boyd
@Ian: ah yes, but then again: wouldn't that take much of the fun out of the journey of discovery? :-)
Marjan Venema
+1  A: 

You can't hide the parent class' constructor unless it was declared virtual or dynamic. You can however prevent it from being called from the child class. Consider your example:

TComputer = class(TObject)
   constructor Create(Teapot: string='');

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); overload; virtual;
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer; Teapot: string); overload; virtual;

TComputer.Create will always be visible from TCellPhone. You can prevent TComputer.Create from being inadvertantly called by declaring a TCellPhone.Create with the same signature.

TCellPhone = class(TComputer)
   constructor Create(Teapot: string='');
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer); overload; virtual;
   constructor Create(Cup: Integer; Teapot: string); overload; virtual;

Then as long as you don't have a call to inherited in the body of TCellPhone.Create(Teapot: string='') you can prevent TComputer.Create from being called in TCellPhone and its descendants. The following:


Will resolve to TCellPhone's implementation.


TiPhone = class(TCellPhone)
    constructor Create;

constructor TiPhone.Create;

Will invoke TCellPhone.Create and not TComputer.Create.

*"You can't hide the parent class' constructor unless it was declared virtual or dynamic."* This isn't strictly true. You **can** hide the parent class's constructor, even though it is not virtual/dynamic, simply by declaring a new constructor.
Ian Boyd
@Ian but as you found out when you overloaded the constructor in the child class the parent class' constructor became visible again. Using my suggestion will effectively block the parent constructor from being called from the child.