



In SQL server you can use the DATENAME function to get the day of week as a string

declare @date datetime
set @date = '12/16/08'
select datename(dw, @date)

which returns "Tuesday"

and you can use the DATEPART function to get the day of week as an integer

declare @date datetime
set @date = '12/16/08'
select datepart(dw, @date)

Which returns 3

But say I have a varchar that contains the string "Tuesday" and I want to convert it to its integer representation of 3. Sure, I could write out the conversion without much hassle, but I'd much rather use a built-in function. Does such a function exist?

+5  A: 

Rather than write a function, you should create a days of the week table with the description and the numeric value. THen you can simply join to the table to get the numeric.

And if you have days stored multiple ways (likely in a characterbased system), you can put all the variants into the table, so TUE, Tues., Tuesday would all map to the same integer.

+3  A: 

unfortunately there isn't a built in function, but you can create your own like this:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.WeekDay(@DayOfWeek Varchar(9))
    DECLARE @iDayofWeek INT
    SELECT @iDayofWeek = CASE @DayOfWeek
                    WHEN 'Sunday' THEN 1
                    WHEN 'Monday' THEN 2
                    WHEN 'Tuesday' THEN 3
                    WHEN 'Wednesday' THEN 4
                    WHEN 'Thursday' THEN 5
                    WHEN 'Friday' THEN 6
                    WHEN 'Saturday' THEN 7
    RETURN (@iDayofWeek)
Russ Bradberry

I disagree with the answer about adding a lookup table, since in this case, the values are limited and will never change. The lookup table join will just add cost.

IMHO; since you have limited values, I would just use a case statement in my views. It's not pretty, but it's probably the fastest way to do it.

John MacIntyre
The table is certainly small enough to fit in memory; I'm guessing the cost of the join is minimal. P.S. this would have been better left as a comment rather than a new answer.
Mark Ransom
@Mark; I was going to leave the comment, but I wanted to add the part about the hard coding. ... I suppose I should have done it in 2 steps. And I agree, the cost would be almost nothing ... but there is zero value add over hard coding it, which doesn't have the added cost.
John MacIntyre
Case function also has a cost, and my solution allows you to add other variants of the days more easily.

This may not serve a practical purpose, but I thought I'd figure it out just for fun. :) The following works.

Remember that when using DATEPART or DATENAME that the value of @@DATEFIRST is important and can change your results. Look up SET DATEFIRST in the online help.

    @date_name AS VARCHAR(20)

SET @date_name = 'Monday'

    DATEPART(dw, my_date)
    SELECT CAST('1900-01-01' AS DATETIME) AS my_date UNION
    SELECT CAST('1900-01-02' AS DATETIME) AS my_date UNION
    SELECT CAST('1900-01-03' AS DATETIME) AS my_date UNION
    SELECT CAST('1900-01-04' AS DATETIME) AS my_date UNION
    SELECT CAST('1900-01-05' AS DATETIME) AS my_date UNION
    SELECT CAST('1900-01-06' AS DATETIME) AS my_date UNION
    SELECT CAST('1900-01-07' AS DATETIME) AS my_date
    ) AS My_Dates
    DATENAME(dw, my_date) = @date_name
Tom H.

Are all of your users using English? What is DayOfWeek("Mittwoch")


I need to Convert Day Number to Day Name

is the sql have built in function make this