



Hi, I am currently trying to develop a ExtendedPSI Web service which in turn calls a number of existing PSI Web services. The trouble is I recieve the error (System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.) when I try to access the existing PSI services from with the ExtendedPSI I have created.

I can get the service to work if I hardcode the Credentials in my ExtendedPSI using the following snippet:

resWS.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("userName", "userPass", "domain");

but not when I use:

resWS.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

(i have tried CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials but read this doesn't work thru HTTP or FTP)

I have read numerous posts with suggestions such as enabling Windows Authentication and removing anonymous access etc. either in the client web.config or on the virtual of the calling webapp however I am using SoapUI to call the ExtendedPSI service as the final solution will be called by an ESB platform (namely SAP PI).

But using SoapUI I have managed to call each of the existing PSI services (web services called in my ExtendedPSI service) in turn by supplying my login details in the SoapUI interface so I know the existing services work as long as I can pass on the credentials but they are empty when using CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials.

Hope this makes sense to someone (this is my first attempt at web services so I appologise if its a little vague). I don't really want to hardcode logon details within my service so I hope someone has came across this before and has a solution I can use...

Is the information I need held with the HttpContext? A encrypted token I can pass maybe (just reaching here :)? Or will I need a generic user to access these existing PSI web services?

FYI: I followed the article (which i've extended further to call existing PSI's) but it assumes some sort of MS.NET client calling the service.

Thanks in advance...

Regards, TartanBono