



I want to be able to type something like:

Console.WriteLine("You have {0:life/lives} left.", player.Lives);

instead of

Console.WriteLine("You have {0} {1} left.", player.Lives, player.Lives == 1 ? "life" : "lives");

so that for player.Lives == 1 the output would be: You have 1 life left.
for player.Lives != 1 : You have 5 lives left.


Console.WriteLine("{0:day[s]} till doomsday.", tillDoomsdayTimeSpan);

Some systems have that built-in. How close can I get to that notation in C#?

EDIT: Yes, I am specifically looking for syntactic sugar, and not a method to determine what singular/plural forms are.

+14  A: 

You may checkout the PluralizationService class which is part of the .NET 4.0 framework:

string lives = "life";
if (player.Lives > 1)
    lives = PluralizationService
        .CreateService(new CultureInfo("en-US"))
Console.WriteLine("You have {0} {1} left", player.Lives, lives);

It is worth noting that only English is supported for the moment.

You could also write an extension method:

public static string Pluralize(this string value, int count)
    if (count <= 1)
        return value;
    return PluralizationService
        .CreateService(new CultureInfo("en-US"))

And then:

    "You have {0} {1} left", player.Lives, "life".Pluralize(player.Lives)
Darin Dimitrov
+1 Nice, way better than my solution.
+1 Wow. var moose = ps.Pluralize("mouse");
Noel Abrahams
I do believe your format parameters are reversed. Otherwise, +1.
Paul Ruane
+1 Nice to know. I didn't make it clear in my question. I am after syntactic sugar not a method to determine the forms themselves.
@Paul, good point. I updated my answer to fix this.
Darin Dimitrov
@user93422, you could add an [extension method]( to the string class that pluralizes it given a number. It will be sugar and honey :-)
Darin Dimitrov
A nitpicky note: the plural form is usually used with n != 1. That is, 0 *lives* left or 2 *lives* left, but just one *life* left
Michael Haren
@Michael, my English is bad. Need to adapt the extension method then.
Darin Dimitrov
@Noel - Do you mean var mice? Looking at reflector looks like the plural for zoon is zoa... who knew :P +1 for learning something new
@SwDevMan81, moose are more interesting than mice, no? :D
Noel Abrahams
@Noel - haha, both are pretty lame
+1  A: 
string message = string.format("You have {0} left.", player.Lives == 1 ? "life" : "lives");

Of course this assumes that you have a finite number of values to pluralize.


I'm thinking the easiest way to do it is to create an Interface IPlural which has an method .ToString(int quantity) which returns the singular form when quantity == 1 an the plural form all other times.


See the Inflector class that is part of Castle ActiveRecord. It is licensed under the Apache license.

It has a set of regular expression rules that define how words are pluralized. The version I have used has some errors in these rules though, e.g. it has a 'virus' → 'virii' rule.

I have three extension methods which wrap Inflector, the first of which may be right up your street:

    /// <summary>
    /// Pluralises the singular form word specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="this">The singular form.</param>
    /// <param name="count">The count.</param>
    /// <returns>The word, pluralised if necessary.</returns>
    public static string Pluralise(this string @this, long count)
        return (count == 1) ? @this :

    /// <summary>
    /// Pluralises the singular form word specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="this">The singular form word.</param>
    /// <returns>The plural form.</returns>
    public static string Pluralise(this string @this)
        return Inflector.Pluralize(@this);

    /// <summary>
    /// Singularises the plural form word.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="this">The plural form word.</param>
    /// <returns>Th singular form.</returns>
    public static string Singularise(this string @this)
        return Inflector.Singularize(@this);
Paul Ruane
a direct link:
Frank Schwieterman
@Frank Schwieterman: excellent, thanks.
Paul Ruane
+1  A: 

using @Darin Dimitrov solution, I would create an extention for string ....

public static Extentions
    public static string Pluralize(this string str,int n)
        if ( n != 1 )
            return PluralizationService.CreateService(new CultureInfo("en-US"))
        return str;

string.format("you have {0} {1} remaining",liveCount,"life".Pluralize());
IMO this is the most correct solution as it is provided inherent to .NET I would recommend `Inflector` however if you deploy with the Client framework as the pluralization service I believe is only in the full framework.
Chris Marisic
+2  A: 

You can create a custom formatter that does that:

public class PluralFormatProvider : IFormatProvider, ICustomFormatter {

  public object GetFormat(Type formatType) {
    return this;

  public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider formatProvider) {
    string[] forms = format.Split(';');
    int value = (int)arg;
    int form = value == 1 ? 0 : 1;
    return value.ToString() + " " + forms[form];


The Console.WriteLine method has no overload that takes a custom formatter, so you have to use String.Format:

  new PluralFormatProvider(),
  "You have {0:life;lives} left, {1:apple;apples} and {2:eye;eyes}.",
  1, 0, 2)


You have 1 life left, 0 apples and 2 eyes.

Note: This is the bare minimum to make a formatter work, so it doesn't handle any other formats or data types. Ideally it would detect the format and data type, and pass the formatting on to a default formatter if there is some other formatting or data types in the string.

with extension method it could be reduced to: `"you have {0:eye;eyes}".With(2)` which is what I was looking for.