



I have a method that swaps two items:

swap( collection['a'], collection['b'] );  // result = 'b', 'a'
swap( collection[0], collection[1] ); // result = collection[1], collection[0]
swap( 0, collection.indexOf(collection[1]) ); // result collection[1] index, 0
  • The swap method cannot be modified.
  • Four possible values stored in a collection: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'
  • Swapped to always be in this order 'd', 'b', 'a', 'c'
  • Any of the four possible values may or may not be in the collection

Please help me to implement this algorithm.


For those that care, this is not homework.


//Example 1:
//collection contains: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'
//desired order: 'd', 'b', 'a', 'c'
swap(0, collection.IndexOf(collection['d']));
swap(1, collection.IndexOf(collection['b']));
swap(2, collection.IndexOf(collection['a']));
swap(3, collection.IndexOf(collection['c']));

//Example 2:
//collection contains: 'a', 'b', 'c'
//desired order: 'b', 'a', 'c' 
swap(0, collection.IndexOf(collection['b']));
swap(1, collection.IndexOf(collection['a']));
swap(2, collection.IndexOf(collection['c']));
+2  A: 

Basically, you're looking for a sort with an indirect comparison. I.e., instead of comparing the letters themselves, you compare values they look up in a table. If you'll pardon C++ syntax, the general idea would be something like this:

class my_cmp { 
    static const int positions[] = { 2, 1, 3, 0};
    bool operator<(char a, char b) { 
        return positions[a-'a'] < positions[b-'a'];

std::sort(collection.begin(), collection.end(), my_cmp());

std::sort will use swap to move the elements in the collection. Although the syntax will obviously be a little different, from what I remember when I last used it, the same general idea should apply reasonably well to C# as well.

Jerry Coffin

I realize now (thanks to those that answered) that using a custom IComparer like this below removes the need to use swap. This solution guarantees the order and will still work correctly when one of the 5 possible values is missing.

class CustomOrder : IComparer<Series>
    static readonly Dictionary<string, int> dictionary = 
        new Dictionary<string, int>() 
        {"Excellent", 1}, 
        {"Very Good", 2},
        {"Average", 3},
        {"Bad", 4},
        {"Very Bad", 5}

    public int Compare(Series x, Series y)
        return dictionary[x.Name].CompareTo(dictionary[y.Name]);

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Series[] sortedSeries = chart.Series.ToArray();
        Array.Sort(sortedSeries, new CustomOrder());

Old solution using swap (for reference)

I don't like it, but this seems to work. Anyone have any better ideas?

int count = collection.Count;

// don't need to swap if there is only one element
if (count > 1)
    // have to run once for each letter 

private void sortCollection(int count)
    if (collection.Contains(collection['c']))
        // take care of last element
        collection.Swap(count - 1, collection.IndexOf(collection['c']));
    if (collection.Contains(collection['a']) && collection.Contains(collection['b']))
        // take care of middle elements
        if(collection[1] != collection['b'])
        collection.Swap(collection['a'], collection['b']);
    if (collection.Contains(collection['d']))
        // take care of first element
        if(collection[0] != collection['d'])
        collection.Swap(0, collection.IndexOf(collection['d']));
In some places your indices are integers in the range 0 through 4, and in other places your indices are characters 'a' through 'd'. Is this truly how your collection can be indexed -- both ways?
Alf P. Steinbach
Yes. The collection can be indexed on integer or string (although I used character in the example)
+2  A: 

Jerry's C++ solution adapted to C#:

using System;
using IComparer = System.Collections.IComparer;

class CustomOrder: IComparer
    static readonly int[]   positions = { 2, 1, 3, 0 };

    public int Compare( object x, object y )
        return positions[(char)x-'a'].CompareTo( positions[(char)y-'a'] );

class Startup
    static void Main(string[] args)
        char[]  collection  = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'};

        Console.WriteLine( collection );            // abcd
        Array.Sort( collection, new CustomOrder() );
        Console.WriteLine( collection );            // dbac

Cheers & hth.,

– Alf

Alf P. Steinbach
Could you update this to be able to use a string instead of a character? I used simple data in my question, but in reality the data I need to sort is of string datatype. Thanks.
Alf P. Steinbach
It isn't that simple. You cannot subtract an integer from a string, in any C based langauges.
Alf P. Steinbach
subt13: it is easy enough to change a string to char[] in C#: simply call ToCharArray() on the string, after the call to Array.Sort with the resorted collection to get it back to a string call new String(collection). Or am I missing something in you objection to this solution?
Steve Ellinger
@subt13: I suggest that you edit your question to include the relevant info that you omitted or gave incorrect information about,like, your elements are strings, not characters, and your collection is not an array or other collection with `Sort` method, but something (that you then need to specify unambiguously).
Alf P. Steinbach