Hi, i have a problem with the use of fgets. The loop is supposed to read a line of max. 19 characters, analyze this char array and then wait for next input. The problem is that if the line entered exeeds 19 characters, fgets will fill str with the remaining characters untill Ctrl-D or newline is entered, thus initiating a new loop without new input. The input (stdin) should in some way be flushed after 19 characters are read, so the loop can start with a clean slate. Anyone have a solution to this?
char str[20];
while((fgets(str, 20, stdin) != NULL)) {
puts(str); //monitoring str
if(str[0] == 'q') break;
Example in use:
hola hola //user inputs 9 chars + newline
hola hola //puts writes
hoo hoo hoo hoo hooh //user inputs 20 chars + newline
hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo //puts writes
h //