+1  A: 

It means "if id or customerID is null, pretend it's "ALFKI" instead.

That's a great way to explain it.
+2  A: 

It's the null coalescing operator: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173224(VS.80).aspx

It provides a value (right side) when the first value (left side) is null.

Jim Schubert
+3  A: 

That's the null-coalescing operator.

var x = y ?? z;

// is equivalent to:
var x = (y == null) ? z : y;

// also equivalent to:
if (y == null) 
    x = z;
    x = y;

ie: x will be assigned z if y is null, otherwise it will be assigned y.
So in your example, customerID will be set to "ALFKI" if it was originally null.

+1 for having an appropriate user name for the question
my assumption is correct. thank you for your thorough explanation.