The two schemas cannot be compared, as they have different relationships, you should proablly look at what the spec is for the tables and then work out which one fits the relationship needed.
The first one implies that a User can only be a member of one company (a belongs_to relationship). Whereas the second schema implies that a User can be a member of many companies (a has_many relationship)
If you are looking for a schema that can (or will later) support a has_many relationship then you want to go with the second one. For the reason compare:
//select all users in company x with schema 1
select username, companyname from companies
inner join users on users.companyid = companies.companyid
where companies.companyid = __some_id__;
//select all users in company x with schema 2
select username, companyname from companies
inner join usercompanies on usercompanies.companyid = companies.companyid
inner join users on usercompanies.userid = users.userid
where companies.companyid = __some_id__;
You have an extra join on the select table. If you only want the belongs_to relationship then the second query does more work than it should - and so makes it less efficient.