




I have the following test which aims to ensure that file path generated is of a specific format. Using Nunit's fluent interfaces, how can I go about this?

I am having trouble with the regex.

    public void AssetControlPath_ShouldHaveFormat_BaseDir_YYYY_MMM_YYYYMMMDD() 
        var baseDir = "C:\\BaseDir";
        var fpBuilder = new FilePathBuilder(new DateTime(2010,10,10), baseDir );

        var destinationPath = fpBuilder.AssetControlPath();

        // destinationPath = C:\BasDir\2010\Oct\20101010
    Assert.That(destinationPath, Is.StringMatching(@"C:\\BaseDir\\d{4}\\[a-zA-Z]{3}\\d{8}"));              

The unit test error XXX.FilepathBuilderTests.AssetControlPath_ShouldHaveFormat_BaseDir_YYYY_MMM_YYYYMMMDD: Expected: String matching "C:\\BaseDir\\d{4}\\[a-zA-Z]{3}\\d{8}" But was: "C:\BaseDir\2010\Oct\20101010"

Edit: I have actually switched the test to use @ChrisF's approach. The question however still stands.


You have an extra closing square bracket!! remove that and it chould be fine.

+3  A: 

A String.Split with \ as the split character and then check that you get the right number of elements (5) and that each element is the expected value might be:

a) be clearer in what the intent of the test is and

b) easier to maintain.

or use named groups in the Regex and test on those.
Mikael Svenson
+1 for the suggestion for testing this in a different way.
+1  A: 
//                              /\ extra bracket

Also you have a problem with \ escaping, you need \\\d{4} and \\\d{8}, you want to match xxx\20101010 and not xxx20101010. The following fix matches correct:

var str = @"C:\BaseDir\2010\Oct\20101010";
var re = new Regex(@"C:\\BaseDir\\\d{4}\\[a-zA-Z]{3}\\\d{8}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var result = re.IsMatch(str); // true
+1 awesome. i will stick with ChrisF approach to this test for the reasons he mentioned.