




In the course of evaluating .net IoC frameworks, I gave spring.net a try first, seeing as how much I liked spring in java. However, I'm rapidly getting the feeling that it is a stale/stalled/dead project. The forums have almost no activity; the documentation, though verbose, is infuriating with its self-referencing, poor examples, and incomplete sections; spring.net questions don't seem to get much traction on stackoverflow; and googling for spring.net issues usually leads to pages documenting somewhat obscure scenarios. I'm close to making the jump to Ninja or Castle, but I can see that their documentation doesn't exactly sparkle either. Still, if everyone has poor documentation, I'd rather pick an active project. What are your suggestions?

+1  A: 

Spring.NET is pretty active. Take a look to their bug tracking system : https://jira.springsource.org/browse/SPRNET

They have 2 full-time committers working on it.
