Hey all i am looking to decrypt my HEX code file for an ATTiny chip and programming it using the AVRDude command line interface. Problem being, i do not want the user to be able to see what the HEX file is at any given time.
Can the VB.net Cryptography crypt the HEX file before i put it onto the server and then decrypt it after the program downloads it from the server and runs it through the program without seeing the decrypted HEX file?
Obviously the HEX file can not stay encrypted while being programmed to the ATTiny chip so how can i go about it so that i can create the original HEX file to be programmed within the program without having to worry about it writing a temporary file to the hard drive and then deleting it afterwards? (Because they could close the program after it does that temp file and they would be able to navigate and open it and see the code)
Any help would be great! :o)