



Hi everyone

I'm doing a javascript assignment and have just learned that I can do it in jQuery if I wish, rather than vanilla javascript. I thought I'd give it a go to see what it's like.

This is the contents of my javascript function:

    rowsArray = $("#Table1 tr");

for (i=0;i<rowsArray.length;i++){
    numSeatsInRow = rowsArray[i].getElementsByTagName("img").length;                    // discovers the number of seats in row [i]
    for(j=0;j<numSeatsInRow;j++) {                                // loops round once for each set in row [i]
 var currentSeat = rowsArray[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[j];
 currentSeat.setAttribute("id","row" + i + "Seat" + j);
 currentSeat.onmouseover = function(){this.src = "images/taken.gif"};
 currentSeat.onmouseout = function(){this.src = "images/available.gif"};
 currentSeat.onclick = function() {
      this.src = "images/mine.gif";
      this.onmouseover = null;
      this.onmouseout = null;
      document.getElementById("myTickets").innerHTML +=;

As you can see, I started converting to jQuery with the first line, but got stuck :)

The code works as is, but I figure there must be a more elegant way of doing it in jQuery. I tried using $.each but my selectors or syntax was wrong and it didn't work. I have a vague idea how it works for a 1D array, but I'm not clear on how to iterate through the items in nested arrays i.e. array[x][y].

The function creates and moves through a 2D array changing the id and mouse events of a set of images.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated :)

+1  A: 

This is untested, but should give you what you need to get things working.

rowsArray = $("#Table1 tr"); 

for (i=0;i<rowsArray.length;i++){ 
    var images = rowsArray.eq(i).find("img");
    numSeatsInRow = images.length;                    // discovers the number of seats in row [i] 
    for(j=0;j<numSeatsInRow;j++) {                                // loops round once for each set in row [i] 
 var currentSeat = images.eq(j); 
 currentSeat.attr("id","row" + i + "Seat" + j); 
 currentSeat.mouseover(function(){this.src = "images/taken.gif"}); 
 currentSeat.mouseout(function(){this.src = "images/available.gif"}); { 
      var self = $(this);
      self.attr("src", "images/mine.gif"); 
John Fisher
+2  A: 

It can be improved further, but something like this would work:

$("#Table1 tr").each(function(i) {
   $(this).find("img").each(function(j) { = "row" + i + "Seat" + j;
     $(this).hover(function() { this.src = "images/taken.gif"; }, 
                   function() { this.src = "images/available.gif"; })
            .click(function() { 
               var img = this;
               this.src = "images/mine.gif";
               $(this).unbind("mouseenter mouseleave"); 
               $("#myTickets").html(function(i, h) { return h +; });

Using .each() and the index it passes as the first parameter to the callback shortens it a bit (you don't need your own i and j, they're already there) the rest is just jQuery conversion, e.g. .hover() for the mouse entering/leaving and .unbind() to remove those handlers it later.

Here's a bit more verbose but much more efficient version using .delegate():

$("#Table1 tr").each(function(i) {
   $(this).find("img").each(function(j) { = "row" + i + "Seat" + j;
$("#Table1").delegate("tr img", "click", function() { 
  var img = $(this).addClass("mine").add("src", "images/mine.gif"); 
  $("#myTickets").html(function(i, h) { return h + img.attr("id"); });
}).delegate("tr img:not(.mine)", "mouseenter", function() { 
  this.src = "images/taken.gif";
}).delegate("tr img:not(.mine)", "mouseleave", function() { 
  this.src = "images/available.gif";

This attaches only 3 handlers to the <table> and listens for events to bubble up, rather than attaching 3 handlers per image, so it's much cheaper on the page load side, and and infinitesimal difference on the runtime side.

Nick Craver
@Nick -- how are `i` and `j` getting updated here? I feel like I'm missing something.
Sean Vieira
@Sean - They're the arguments passed to the callbacks, `function(i) {`, the callback for `.each()` has the signature of `function(index, element)`.
Nick Craver
*Smacks head* @Nick -- I'd completely forgotten about that; thanks for the reminder!
Sean Vieira
+1 for the delegate suggestion. I use them all the time and they greatly improve performance in screens with bunches of data.
John Fisher
Thanks, that looks great. I'm going to go with John's simpler answer below though, because it's closer to my understanding of