



I am creating a social network and want to have a similar photo gallery to that of facebook. Im guessing I need to use AJAX but I would like to have a comments section for each photo. I was just wondering what the best way would be to design a database around this. Do I just make a table of comments? Would I run into performance issues because Im sure each user would have more than one photo, so the contents tables will get pretty large. Supposing I had 10 million users and each had a 100 photos that with two comments each that would be 2 billion entries and that is only 10 million users, what would happen if that number grew. This would greatly slow down the website. I know for now I can just develop something simple like one table but I would like to create something fast and be knowledgeable for the future. If someone could help me out with this I would be greatly appreciated.

+2  A: 

If you have 10 million users, you'll have the money to buy more resources to handle the requests :)

I would design a table with the comments, and another for the photos. The two tables are of course joined with a one-to-many relationship.

A good, properly configured, RDMBS won't care to store and select photos along with the comments. That's the db job, don't worry.


If your going to be handling 10 million users with photos, you need to be looking at designing your system properly, bandwidth, hosting, diskspace etc. Get a professional in.

Have a look for some open source application that do something similar to what your after and learn from them.

Cheers Tigger.
