



I am using a NAnt build script to call NDepend with the required command line arguments.

<exec program="NDepend.Console.exe" basedir="${NDependPath}">
  <arg line="${NDependProjectFilePath} /indirs ${NDependInDirs} /outdir ${NDependOutputDir}" />

But what I am looking for is to get NDepend to recurse through all subdirectories of the specified 'input directory' for the assemblies listed in my NDepend project file.

I used NAnt to copy all assemblies recursively to a specified folder and then pointed NDepend to this as its input. But this method results in many missing metrics relating to the code itself.

Any ideas how without listing the explicit path of all of my assemblies (it is a large project); I can get metrics across the whole solution by specifying the top level directory?


Actually, in NDepend projects .ndproj XML file there are a set of paths (to folders that contains asm) + a set of asm file name (without extension .dll or .exe). So it would be easy to do a quick console app that look iin recursive folder and grab all XXX.dll andXXX.exe files.

Btw, this is a kind of API we are thinking of provide for the future, but it is not available yet.

Patrick Smacchia - NDepend dev
I'm now going to go down the console app route. This will allow dynamic creation of the .ndproj with the assembly listing for a given project. Thanks for the reply!
You are welcome Tomas
Patrick Smacchia - NDepend dev