




I have seen a lot of good attempts at CSS buttons (for example http://ubuwaits.github.com/css3-buttons/ )

But I haven't seen one emerge yet that is safe to use in production and meets all the following requirements:

  • Looks good on all modern browsers
  • Degrades gracefully on older browsers down to at least IE7 (bonus if IE6) - don't care if they look as good, as long as they aren't noticeably bad
  • Works equally well on an input tag (submit button) or link (a tag)

What are the best ones people are using in production?

I've done this on a number of projects but have found it to be a big source of bugs and it slows down development. CSS sprites are still difficult for a few reasons. Special attention it required to get regular button functionality like disabling after a submit, or the enter key submitting the form. Not to mention they are harder to maintain for changing button text etc and lengthen development time. Part of my reason for posting this was to get around the necessity of using image sprites. Should have made that more clear...as CSS gets better I think this sprites will become less popular.
Brian Armstrong