



Here is part of the xml I am trying to parse:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Workflow xmlns=""&gt;
        <description>Broker Not In SF - Current Broker Account</description>
            <recipient>[email protected]</recipient>
        <fullName>No Service Contact Assigned</fullName>
        <description>Notification when a service contact has not been assigned after 5 days, then 8 days.</description>

I can use simple Linq to XML on some random SIMPLE XML file, but In this instance I get nothing. I assume because of the xml namespace, but is there a way around this other than removing that in the xml rile prior to parsing?

I haven't done much XML work in the past, so I'm trying to understand the best way that I can take a file like shown and pull out the rule nodes to create a collection or rules with properties. I can get the object/collection part, but I'm stuck on WHY the namespace is failing this simple call:

var setting = xmlDoc.Descendants("rules").First(e => e.Element("fullName").Value == "No Service Contact Assigned");

Thanks for any help on what to do about this or how to properly use the namespace.

+1  A: 

You need an XNamespace like this:

XNamespace ns = "";
var setting = xmlDoc.Root.Descendants(ns+"rules").First(e => e.Element(ns+"fullName").Value == "No Service Contact Assigned");

Note that the document is not the root node (e.g. Workflow element), but the Root property on the document is. I also added that.

perfect, just the simple thing I figured I was overlooking.
Yep, you were very close. Namespaces in XML must always match in order to get the wanted results (not just for LINQ-to-XML, but also in XPath, XSLT, XQuery etc.).
And we must remember that the "+" operator is overloaded... this is my first known encounter with operator overloading in the wild...
+1  A: 

You can do it like this:

        var setting = xmlDoc.Descendants(XName.Get("rules", "")).First(e => e.Element(XName.Get("fullName", "")).Value == "No Service Contact Assigned");
        Console.WriteLine(setting.Element(XName.Get("active", "")).Value);
Richard Hein