I'm trying to change the SelectionModel of a PivotGrid and it isn't working. Here is my code. Can someone tell what I am doing wrong.
I need to use a cellSelectionModel as I want to drill down and I need the top and left axis to get the intersection points.
I have also tried the 'cellclick' event in the EXTJS 3.3 API with no luck. Anyone get a selection model other than the default RowSelectionModel working?
var pivotAccumGrid = new Ext.grid.PivotGrid({
store : my_store,
aggregator: 'count',
measure : 'my_field',
sm: new Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel({ //I have also tried selModel for key
listeners: {
cellselect: function(sm,row,col) {
Ext.Msg.alert('click','got a click!');
topAxis: [ {dataIndex: 'top_field'},{dataIndex: 'top_field2'} ],
leftAxis: [ {dataIndex: 'left_field', width: 80} ],