



Hi all,

Ok, so here is the setup. I am building a page that has a listview, a datapager, and 3 datapagerfield (2 x NextPreviousPagerField, 1 x NumericPagerField), and a objectdatasource to tide all of this together.

It was all working fine until I put a breakpoint into the SelectMethod specified in the objectdatsource control. It seems like that for each datapagerfield control, it is calling the selectmethod and selectcount method. Hence, whenever a user paged, it calls the database 6 times instead of 2 (I don't have caching turned on atm). If I remove one datapagerfield, it will remove 2 calls.

Now this is build in 3.5 SP1 in VS2008. When I copied the same code files to a 4.0 VS2010 solution, it duplicate call seems to be gone.

Is this a bug in 3.5 SP1?

Thanks in advance