



I'm writing a C# class that runs a Process (REG) to export registry keys. REG requires that you specify a filename to export to but I would rather have the output of REG directed to the standard output so I can capture it directly in my C# code (using Process.StandardOutput). Is there a way in PowerShell to specify the standard output as the filename?

+2  A: 

If you have to use the REG program (rather than use PowerShell to query/dump the registry - or even just do it in the C# program itself), Probably the best you are going to get is to allow it to dump out to a temporary file, then pipe the contents of the file back to standard out and capture it in your C# program that way:

$guid = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("N")
REG EXPORT HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows "$env:temp\$guid" | Out-Null
Get-Content "$env:temp\$guid"
Remove-Item "$env:temp\$guid"

In case you were not aware: Using PowerShell, you can navigate the registry as though it were part of the file system. Perhaps this is helpful in some other regard?

cd HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows
+1  A: 

Just use 'CONOUT$' as the file name (as pojnted out in comments, this only works on Windows XP):

PS C:\> reg export HKLM\SOFTWARE\FileZilla 'CONOUT$'
 ■W i n d o w s   R e g i s t r y   E d i t o r   V e r s i o n   5 . 0 0

 [ H K E Y _ L O C A L _ M A C H I N E \ S O F T W A R E \ F i l e Z i l l a ]
 " I n s t a l l _ D i r " = " C : \ \ P r o g r a m   F i l e s \ \ F i l e Z i l l a "
 " R u n   i n   S e c u r e   M o d e " = " 0 "
 " U s e   R e g i s t r y " = " 0 "
 " L a n g u a g e " = " E n g l i s h "

There are some UNICODE encoding issues in the output shown here, but you should be able to handle that in the buffer when you parse it.

Interesting tip, but it did not work for me on Win7 or Server2003 (all I have available to test). I receive this error... ERROR: Unable to write to the file. There may be a disk or file system error.
Also not working for me. I get the same message as above (ERROR: Unable to write to the file. There may be a disk or file system error).
When I tested on XP (SP3), it seems to work fine. Fails for me on Server2003 as well. It looks like Reg was updated which broke the trick.