I've searched the web a bit, but all I found was abandoned projects and only CGI support.
EDIT: C isn't just used for writing drivers or embedded systems. We have mailreaders, newsreaders, editors, etc. all written in C. I've written two BBS in the last century, before the web became popular. The libraries are getting better and you don't have to reinvent the wheel over and over again. Nice data structures and string handling is easily possible in C. But yet, there's not much going on in web development.
I'd like to come back to my roots and try to write web applications in C.
As for bad languages: People use C++, Perl, and PHP for web applications. It doesn't stop them that the common perception of these language isn't very good.
EDIT 2: I've written BBS software in C and nobody thought this was a crazy idea, although others have done it in GfA BASIC back then. I don't understand why today it should be considered a bad idea. Have a look at the software you are using or the most common programming languages in open source software.