VB.NET 2010, .NET 4
I have been using a pretty slick generic invoke method for UI updating from background threads. I forget where I copied it from (converted it to VB.NET from C#), but here it is:
Public Sub InvokeControl(Of T As Control)(ByVal Control As t, ByVal Action As Action(Of t))
If Control.InvokeRequired Then
Control.Invoke(New Action(Of T, Action(Of T))(AddressOf InvokeControl), New Object() {Control, Action})
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Now, I want to modify this to make a function that returns Nothing if no invoke was required (or an exception was thrown) or the IAsyncResult returned from BeginInvoke if invoke was required. Here's what I have:
Public Function InvokeControl(Of T As Control)(ByVal Control As t, ByVal Action As Action(Of t)) As IAsyncResult
If Control.InvokeRequired Then
Return Control.BeginInvoke(New Action(Of T, Action(Of T))(AddressOf InvokeControl), New Object() {Control, Action})
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
I wanted to do this primarily to avoid blocking. The problem is that I now get errors when making calls such as this:
InvokeControl(SomeTextBox, Sub(x) x.Text = "Some text")
This worked fine with the original Invoke (rather than BeginInvoke) method. Now I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception. If I put a watch on SomeTextBox, it says
SomeTextBox {Text = (Text) threw an exception of type Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Runtime.CrossThreadMessagingException.}
It might be relevant that such InvokeControl calls come from within a System.Timers.Timer's Elapsed event. Its Interval is 500ms, which should be more than long enough for the UI updates to complete (if that matters). What is going on?
Thanks in advance for the help!
Edit: More details
Here is my System.Timer.Timer's Elapsed handler:
Private Sub MasterTimer_Elapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles MasterTimer.Elapsed
MasterTimer.Enabled = False
If Not MasterTimer.Interval = My.Settings.TimingMasterTimerInterval Then
MasterTimer.Interval = My.Settings.TimingMasterTimerInterval
NewEventLogEntry("The master timer's interval has been changed to " & MasterTimer.Interval.ToString & " milliseconds.")
End If
InvokeControl(TimerPictureBox, Sub(x) x.Toggle(True))
'This block is not executing when the error is thrown
If Mode > RunMode.NotRunning Then
End If
'This block is not executing when the error is thrown
If Mode = RunMode.Running Then
End If
MasterTimer.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub ReadFromDevices()
For Each dev As Device In Devices
If dev.GetType.Equals(GetType(Miller)) Then
Dim devAsMiller As Miller = CType(dev, Miller)
With devAsMiller
If .PowerOn.Enabled Then .PowerOn.Read()
If .CurrentRead.Enabled Then .CurrentRead.Read()
If .VoltageRead.Enabled Then .VoltageRead.Read()
If .Trigger.Enabled Then .Trigger.Read()
If .Shutter.Enabled Then .Shutter.Read()
End With
ElseIf dev.GetType.Equals(GetType(SubstrateBiasVoltage)) Then
Dim devAsSubstrateBiasVoltage As SubstrateBiasVoltage = CType(dev, SubstrateBiasVoltage)
With devAsSubstrateBiasVoltage
If .LambdaCurrentRead.Enabled Then .LambdaCurrentRead.Read()
If .LambdaVoltageRead.Enabled Then .LambdaVoltageRead.Read()
If .BiasResistor.Enabled Then .BiasResistor.Read()
If .Pinnacle.Enabled Then .Pinnacle.Read()
End With
If dev.Enabled Then dev.Read()
End If
Catch ex As Exception
NewEventLogEntry("An error occurred while trying to read from a device.", ex, EventLogItem.Types.Warning)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateIndicators()
Dim ObjLock As New Object
SyncLock ObjLock
With Devices
InvokeControl(EmergencyStopPictureBox, Sub(x As DigitalPictureBox) x.Toggle(Mode > RunMode.NotRunning))
InvokeControl(MillerCurrentIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .Miller1.CurrentRead.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(MillerVoltageIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .Miller1.VoltageRead.GetParsedValue.ToString)
With .SubstrateBiasVoltage
InvokeControl(LambdaVoltageIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .LambdaVoltageRead.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(LambdaCurrentIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .LambdaCurrentRead.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(PinnacleVoltageIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .Pinnacle.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(PinnacleCurrentIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .Pinnacle.ReadCurrent.ToString)
End With
InvokeControl(HeaterPowerIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .HeaterPower.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(ConvectronIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .Convectron.GetParsedValue.ToString)
If .Baratron.GetParsedValue > 200 Then
InvokeControl(BaratronIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = "OFF")
InvokeControl(BaratronIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .Baratron.GetParsedValue.ToString)
End If
If .Ion.GetParsedValue > 0.01 Then
InvokeControl(IonIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = "OFF")
InvokeControl(IonIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .Ion.GetParsedValue.ToString)
End If
InvokeControl(ArgonFlowRateIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .ArgonFlowRate.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(NitrogenFlowRateIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .NitrogenFlowRate.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(GateValvePositionIndicator, Sub(x) x.Text = .GateValvePosition.GetParsedValue.ToString)
InvokeControl(RoughingPumpPowerOnIndicator, Sub(x As PowerButton) x.IsOn = .RoughingPumpPowerOn.Value = Power.On)
ToggleImageList(.Miller1.CurrentRead.ImageList, .Miller1.CurrentRead.GetParsedValue > My.Settings.MinimumMillerCurrent)
ToggleImageList(.Miller1.Trigger.ImageList, .Miller1.Trigger.GetParsedValue = Power.On)
ToggleImageList(.HeaterPower.ImageList, .HeaterPower.Value > 0)
With .SubstrateBiasVoltage
ToggleImageList(.LambdaVoltageRead.ImageList, .LambdaVoltageRead.GetParsedValue > 0 And .BiasResistor.GetParsedValue = BiasResistor.Lambda)
ToggleImageList(.Pinnacle.ImageList, .Pinnacle.GetParsedValue > 10 And .BiasResistor.GetParsedValue = BiasResistor.Pinnacle)
End With
ToggleImageList(.ArgonValveOpen.ImageList, .ArgonValveOpen.Value = Valve.Open)
ToggleImageList(.NitrogenValveOpen.ImageList, .NitrogenValveOpen.Value = Valve.Open)
ToggleImageList(.RoughingPumpValveOpen.ImageList, .RoughingPumpValveOpen.Value = Valve.Open)
ToggleImageList(.SlowPumpDownValve.ImageList, .SlowPumpDownValve.Value = Valve.Open)
ToggleImageList(.RotationPowerOn.ImageList, .RotationPowerOn.Value = Power.On)
ToggleImageList(.WaterMonitor1.ImageList, .WaterMonitor1.Value = Power.On And .WaterMonitor2.Value = Power.On)
ToggleImageList(.GateValvePosition.ImageList, .GateValvePosition.SetValue > 0)
End With
End SyncLock
End Sub
Private Sub ToggleImageList(ByRef ImageList As ImageList, ByVal IsOn As Boolean)
For Each img As OnOffPictureBox In ImageList
SafeInvokeControl(img, Sub(x As OnOffPictureBox) x.Toggle(IsOn))
End Sub
I hope that's not TMI, but hopefully it'll help spot what going wrong.
Also, with the watch on one of the textboxes and some breakpoints, I found that the error is somehow magically thrown after ReadFromDevices but before UpdateIndicators. By that, I mean that a breakpoint at the very end of ReadFromDevices shows the textboxes haven't thrown the error, but a breakpoint at the beginning of UpdateIndicators (before any InvokeControl calls have been made) shows that they have...