I have a situation where I'm building a new list based on sort values on another column.
For example table: products id, name, sort_order, expiration_date
table: lists id, product_id
Let's say I want to always have 15 products in the lists table and in order. However, products expire, and when this happens they are being removed from the lists table, then we need to add in new products based on the "next in line" by the sort_order (the last sort_order id in lists + 1, if it exists, if not, start over).
I hope this makes sense...
But my question is, is there a way to handle this all in one query?
Right now, here's how I would do it:
Query 1: SELECT count(*), sort_order as so FROM lists ORDER BY sort_order DESC
if($count < 15){
$difference = 15 - $count;
for($c = $count; $c >= 1; $c -=1){
Query 2: SELECT id FROM products WHERE sort_order = $so + 1 LIMIT 1
if(results = 0){
Query 3: SELECT id FROM products ORDER BY sort_order ASC LIMIT 1
Query 4: INSERT (id) into lists
Just seems like a lot of queries for a fairly simple task.... Any suggestions would be huge!
Thank you!