I feel like there should be a simple way to do this, but I just don't know what it is. I have a list of data to display, and I want to include an AJAX "Read More" function to expand information at the bottom of each segment. To do this, I need unique div IDs within each segment. I have this code:
<% for choice in @student_choices %>
<div id= "student_description", style="display:none;">
<%= choice[:description]%>
<%= link_to_function "Read More", "Element.show("student_description")"%>
<% end %>
But since there are multiple div IDs, clicking "Read More" only displays the first one. How do I insert a variable div ID? I know how to do this in PHP, but this has me stumped. Even if we get the div ID itself to be variable, how do we get Element.show to accept a variable?