I'm trying to write a size function like this:
size(void *p,int size);
Which would return the size of an array which is pointed to by p. For example:
Int *a = malloc((sizeof(int)*100));
size(a,sizeof(int)); // this should return 100
I think this is possible because if I recall, malloc keeps track of the space allocated in some header bytes.
Here's what I have so far:
int size(void *p, int size)
p = (unsigned int *)p - 1;
unsigned int elements = (*(unsigned int *)p);
return elements/size;
Now, assuming that the size of the space allocated is in the 4 bytes before the pointer, this should return the bytes, or offset. This is where I'm a bit in the dark. I can't figure out the specifics of how malloc formats these header bytes. How does malloc pack the header bits?
Thanks, I appreciate this. I'm sure there are things wrong with this code and it's not particularly portable and may be very system dependent, but I'm doing it for fun.