As per James' answer there is no native way of doing this. Using Reflector, I examined the System.Web.MVC.dll
and and found out how MVC does it. The core of the code is below.
Private Sub SerializeCustomObject(ByVal o As Object, ByVal sb As StringBuilder, ByVal depth As Integer, ByVal objectsInUse As Hashtable, ByVal serializationFormat As SerializationFormat)
Dim flag As Boolean = True
Dim type As Type = o.GetType
If (Not Me.TypeResolver Is Nothing) Then
Dim str As String = Me.TypeResolver.ResolveTypeId(type)
If (Not str Is Nothing) Then
JavaScriptSerializer.SerializeString("__type", sb)
Me.SerializeValue(str, sb, depth, objectsInUse, serializationFormat)
flag = False
End If
End If
Dim info As FieldInfo
For Each info In type.GetFields((BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance))
If Not info.IsDefined(GetType(ScriptIgnoreAttribute), True) Then
If Not flag Then
End If
JavaScriptSerializer.SerializeString(info.Name, sb)
Me.SerializeValue(info.GetValue(o), sb, depth, objectsInUse, serializationFormat)
flag = False
End If
Dim info2 As PropertyInfo
For Each info2 In type.GetProperties((BindingFlags.GetProperty Or (BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance)))
If Not info2.IsDefined(GetType(ScriptIgnoreAttribute), True) Then
Dim getMethod As MethodInfo = info2.GetGetMethod
If ((Not getMethod Is Nothing) AndAlso (getMethod.GetParameters.Length <= 0)) Then
If Not flag Then
End If
JavaScriptSerializer.SerializeString(info2.Name, sb)
Me.SerializeValue(getMethod.Invoke(o, Nothing), sb, depth, objectsInUse, serializationFormat)
flag = False
End If
End If
End Sub